Saturday, April 15, 2006


This must be one of the best buys for En, his first security blankie with a rabbit head, aptly named "Ah Tu" (aka rabbit). When En was about 3 to 4 months or so, he would kick up a massive tantrum between the D-hour of 8 to 9pm. Nobody would believe us when we tell people so, until they see it for themselves. My parents went to the temple to get some charms to put under his bed, my father-in-law analysed En's room and drilled it down to a inauspicious painting. Well, we reckoned it could be due to sudden change of environment as that was also the time when we bring him home from the babysitter - so we bought him a security blankie so that there is always something familiar by his side when he go from place to place. It kinda work. There are many security blankie in the market, the most famous being Okie, a blankie with a knot for its head. I am not comfortable with Okie cos' it looks like, well, a ghost. Damn scary. So we bought one with rabbit head instead. Looks cute ain't it. The fantastically 'obiang' yet literal name was given by Ros, En's godma. Love it. Posted by Picasa

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