The little one is growing up really fast, he's now edgy, want to do many things at one time, babbling non-stop, and wants to stand up once his little hands can find something to support. Curiousity directs his every movement, and he seems particularly interested in the most dangerous items in the house which includes metal knobs, wires, electric fan churning at full speed, etc. He watches the dog walk past with a cheeky grin, but Momo watches over him and adoringly licks his feet when she trot past. Once she licks his face, and he belch... probably over Momo's bad breath, that was really cute. But one thing I cannot stand is his "separation anxiety" - he wails whenever he enters a room full of stangers. He can't stand stares, and seems to prefer the female species over males. It's difficult bringing him to a party or gathering. Damn weird.
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