Saturday, September 23, 2006


Just finish this book. On the premise that I have utter disdain for books teaching me how to be a parent , I must say Biddulph did a pretty good job. At least I am convinced that boys need good role model in other men. As the only child, I was pretty weird as a boy. I talked to myself and amused myself by playing the hat, the dog, the car and shoe in Monopoly all at once. My two male cousins, much older than me, kinda broke me out of my shell once my parents moved one floor down from their apartment. I remember so wanting to be whatever they were - dressed like them, listened to the same music, read the same books, talked the same talk. Lucky they were good role models, and think I turn out better than without them in the picture at all. They are still role models to me. Now how to find that someone for my boys. I know I have to play a part, but my father tried to make time with me (at least I know he tries), but I'm still not that close to him (although in many ways, I am still like him). This is partly due to the fact that both my parents worked and I was like a nomad moving from house to house when I was a kid. Work is work, but I try hard to spend as much time with the boy as possible. Leaving him overnight with the nanny is out of the question for us. Still, to be safe, we decide to move to a place where good role models (male ones) are in abundance. Well, I hope we raise our boys well. Posted by Picasa

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