Saturday, March 25, 2006



Ok, ever had trouble with feeding your baby at night, when he just wanna sleep and don't want to be fed! The poor soul who wake up so dutifully to ensure that this little thing is fed is met with a stone wall, a mouth that refuses to suckle the damn teat! Well, there is no short cut. The only solution is patience and lots of love. My ammo - a cup with hot water to keep the milk warm (a warmer would be nice), the baby's pacifier - to plug his wails so that the wifey is not woken up, the hanky - in case he regurgitate from all that wailing and lotsa of stamina. Basically, when he starts the cry engine while feeding, insert the pacifier (or thumb if you don't use pacifier - which i don't know why). Pat him until he enters the "daze mode" and then try to insert the teat again... sooner or later the baby will give up and slowly suckle till he sleeps or while he sleeps! And I promise, this will improve with time... send me a email if u got problem :) I have lotsa experience with difficult baby, mine is defintely one. Posted by Picasa Photo by Attitude Photography

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