It has been quite sometime since I last posted something here. Not that I was not interested in tracking the development of the boys anymore, quite contrary, I became more involved since my wife flared up the last time about my "perceived" inertia with regard to the boys' development and progress. So involved that I decide I want to write something else to balance my mind from work and kids - hence my chinese blog. Anyway, my wife does a better job documenting the development of the boys and I feel that as long as someone is doing it, it's fine with me - lazy me.
Anyway, with the kids, I decided to play ball anyway, and am now back to feeding the little one on the strike of midnight. Feeding the little one Xuan is quite different from my experience with feeding En when he was that age not oo long ago. Xuan is soooo much easier to read and manage, and it's actually therapeutic watching him suckle, coaxing him, burping him, watching him pout when he doesn't want milk anymore, and my evil streak of aiming for a little opening between his lips and shoving the nipple straight into his mouth when he least expected it so that he would be "forced" to drink - ha. It's a chore I enjoy.
Now that Momo (dog) is back, the family (Mummy, Papa and En - xuan would be sleeping by then) would take walks around the College Green estate and enjoy the serenity of the place (while we can - I don't expect it when the
#@#$ students moved in by end of this year).
Think I will try my best to relive this blog again..ha.