Sunday, June 24, 2007

Camera action

It's a blood vomiting experience trying to take a passport photo of your kid. You want it done properly since it's going to be in the little red book for quite a while, and you being the one that's going to look right into the eyes of the immigration officer, you want your kid to at least look decent and not embarrass you in an alien country. But like I mention, it's near impossible. They can't sit still, and always move when you snap. The best shots are always the instant before you click - no matter how fast you are. I kind of give up and will leave it to the professionals in the studio. Such experiences remind me of Calvin and Hobbes....


JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

Your little prince is much better than my girls liao lor. They frowned and glared, like very "boi-song". And I have already updated their pictures twice cos custom officers warned me many times to do that, saying they look too different from their photos. And know what? Last week received notification. Got to change Joy's passport to the biometric one. Meaning? Take picture one more time again! *Faint*

stardust said...

Hi Neng Jye,

Coincidentally my son went to take passport photo on last Sun too.

I will recommend the Pix N Potraits studio at United Square Shopping Mall.

叶子 sirennights said...

Sirennights to JJmummy: Yah, that's why I procrastinate when it comes to applying for a passport for the boy - the fact that they appearance keep changing means that I have to keep changing their biopass which cost $60 (?) everytime they do so.

Sirennights to stardust: Thanks! I will definitely consider. Another good place is 黎明 at Clementi:)

bp said...

But at least you have these cute shots that are worth keeping, more than the serious passport ones.

It's not easy, I still can't get my younger one to look at the camera even for ordinary shots.

叶子 sirennights said...

BP - Happy to see you again, hope you are feeling better already :)

JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

Once it's the biopass, I think you don't change the photos anymore. That is what written in the letter. Funny (but kind of interesting) right? Imagine my girls when they grow up and they are still holding biopasses with their kiddie/baby photos.

叶子 sirennights said...

Yes, you cannot change photos on the Biopass, but it is advised that the photo on the passport resembles the owner. Hence, for children, whose face changes everyday (now I suspect it's deformation due to the bumps here and there),you may have to change their passports once they are 2 years old and another when they are about 2 years and 1 month ... Ha Ha. No discount also. That's not very worth it. Either that or I am cheapo. Ha Ha.