Monday, July 02, 2007

Words roll

En is now on a roll when it comes to speaking. He is picking up everything we are saying like a high IQ parrot, either we start to swear in 3-syllabus words knowing his cap is at 2, we better start to think before we speak. Shit (oops). Anyway, over the weekend, he had been babbling non-stop, and has mastered the irritating word "No", shit (oops). Other comprehensible words in his dictionary (as of 1 July 9.p.m --- when he went to bed) includes:

Car - cars (his first word). Different type of vehicles are differentiated by sign language e.g. riding a motorcycle.
Bus-ssh - bus.
Big - big. Commonly use with Big Bus. When use on its own, refers to elephant.
Star - stars.
Papa - me.
Didi - Xuan his brother.
Momo - dog.
Pour Pour - Maternal Grandma.
Gong Gong - Maternal Grandpa.
Ye Ye - Paternal Grandpa.
Bing Bing - his cousin across the street.
Kai Kai - his cousin across the street, Bing Bing's brother.
Poo - shit.
Duck, dog, cow, fish, cat, bear - various animals.
Me - him.
Peese - Please.
Mum Mum - eat.
Ham - ham.
Egg - egg.
Bl-ead - bread.
Fork - fork.
Spoon - spoon.
No - no.
Issh - yes.
walk - take a walk.
work - work. Usually referring to people not around in the house.
Two, four, six, eight - the numbers he can recite ... interestingly only the even nos.
Draw - to draw.
Sssss - the thing is hot.

If you are sharp, you would notice one important word missing --- yes "Mummy" which he still refuses to say. Strange boy this.

We went to United Square today, and for the first time he saw kids practising fencing footwork. He was engrossed, and thereafter keep jumping up and down, trying to assimilate the fencers' footwork -- strange boy this >++D


JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

Same for my girls (Can see the same trend in Jaz following Joy). Though I am the closest person to them, "mummy" was the last among all that Joy could call, even after "difficult" ones like "jiu jiu", "nai nai". Aye...

stardust said...

My Vince still cannot talk yet though *sigh*

As for mommy, he will scream "Maaaaaa" very loudly when he is shouting or trying to get my attention but this only happens once a while when he is really agitated.

Do you check if En scream for Ma too?

叶子 sirennights said...

Stardust - Checked. Nope. My wife very sian.

bp said...

Both my boys, and the younger one still, also had trouble with 'l'.

At least En's not saying "oh, poo!" ;p

Boy, o boy, he's a fast learner and growing up fast!

叶子 sirennights said...

BP - but he's saying "cat poo!" and make the poo-ing action. gross.

bp said...

Hahaha! Today my little one was giving my husband a 'blow by blow' account too, of what a "stinkbomb" is!

Kids, they say and do the funniest things! =)

stardust said...

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